
정말 오랫만에 포스팅을 올리네요.

다음과 같이 윈도우10 환경에서 anaconda를 이용해 jupyter notebook 으로 tensorflow를 구현할 수 있는 환경 설치 가이드를 정리합니다.

Install latest anaconda windows  for python 3.x


- Create conda virtualenv with python 3.5:

 conda create -n tf python=3.5 anaconda


- Activate virtualenv:

activate tf


- Install tensorflow CPU:

 pip install tensorflow

- Exit virtualenv:

deactivate tf

Create jupyter notebook startup script

o    If serving from this local directory:  C:/tensorflow

o    Create batch file named as "run-jupyter.bat" which contains as below.

@echo off

cmd /k "cd /d C:\tensorflow & activate tf & jupyter notebook"

·         Double click to run "run-jupyter.bat" and enjoy your tensorflow coding on your browser

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